Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Episode 4:

As more and more people gather, the news spreads that the new person is not a saint, but calls himself a scientist who can bring water from air. The news also spreads that he is a lunatic escaped from a mental hospital in Mumbai. As the noise level becomes unbearable with eveyone discussing about the scientist Raman, the villge chief ties to restore order by raising his hands and asking everyone to keep quite. He succeeds after some time and then addresses Mr. Raman saying, ' we do not know whether you are a genuine scientist or not. Nor do we know anything about science. But, it is a fact that our village is suffering due to the lack of water in the Cauvery river. We do not care whether you bring water through your science or the Karnataka people give us the water. All we want is that we should continue our agriculture and we should get back to our glorious past. Since the water to be given by Karnataka people looks uncertain now, I think we can give you a chance. But, you have to somehow prove to us that you have genuine intentions'.

One of the village elders objected to the village chief's offer, saying, ' It looks like knowing our problem of water in the Cauvery river, he must have come to our village with some ulterior motives. We have to be careful in allowing him to settle down and continue in our village. He seems to be proving the newspaper message that he is a lunatic when he says he can produce water from air'.

As everyone starts to agree with the elderly person, Mr. Raman folds his hands with tears rolling down his cheeks. He says,' Please beleive me. I have no intention of cheating you. As I have already told you, my grandfather who hails from this village was very sad when he read the news about the Cauvery water dispute. He took an oath from me saying, 'If you are a real scientist and want to achive something in life discover a way to solve this problem. He also cited a Thirukural from the great saint Thiruvalluvar saying

தோன்றில் புகழொடு தோன்றுக அஃதிலார்
தோன்றலில் தோன்றாமை நன்று

( When you are born you achieve fame, otherwise it is as good as you are not born)

From that day, I thought and thought, worked very hard, had sleepless nights to discover the truth of coverting air into water. My wife deserted me since engrossed in work I neglected her. My best friend cheated me since I was oblivious of things happening around me. Please beleive me and try to understand the struggles and pains I have undergone in this discovery'.

Even as the crowd is wondering whether to beleive him or not, Mr. Raman takes from his suitcase a small machine. Opening the machine he shows around saying, ' You can see there is no source of water or any connection to water pipe'. He switches on the machine and after some wait, keeps a glass under the tap in the machine. Much to the surprise of evryone, when he opens the tap, water flows into the glass.

To be continued.....

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