Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Vigyani-Part 10

Episode 10:

A few days later, Dr. Raman was feeling better as he was slowly trying to get over the frustrations. He was no longer tied to the bed as he did not show any further violent temperement. Dr. Raman's wife and daughter came and saw him. Mrs. Raman started crying. She attributed everything to the machine and told Raman that he did a good thing of breaking it.

There in the lab. Mr. Krishnan started assembling the machine. But, after some stage, he got stuck up as he was not knowing some of the intricacies of the machine. He told his partners that as Dr. Raman is getting better, he will get him discharged and take him back to his home. At home, he would ask Dr. Raman to tell the finer details and in case Dr. Raman does not cooperate he will apply pressure and try to get the details. He also mentioned that he would take Mrs. Raman and Raman's daughter as captives and coerce Raman to spill the beans.

Shankar was the young gradute who worked with Dr. Raman as his assistant and he had a high regard for Dr. Raman's dedication and devotion. Dr. Raman in his turn treated Shankar very friendly and used to take him into confidence in the work. As Mr. Krishnan also took Shankar as his assistant, Shankar came to know of Krishnan's plots. Shankar went to the mental hospital where Dr. Raman was admitted and told Dr. Raman the details of Mr. Krishnan's plots.

Dr. Raman felt sad to hear the developments and after some thoughts said , 'I have to go urgently to my native village and construct the machine there and make the village as porsperous as before. Mrs. Raman insisted that she also would accompany. But, Dr. Raman refused saying she would be safer in her parents' place and also the education of their daughter would be disrupted. he requested Shankar to arrange for a ticket by train to his village and decided to leave the hospital surrupticiously.

Mr. Krishnan and his partners were shocked to hear that Dr. Raman
has escaped from the mental hospital and they put an ad. in the newspapers mentioning that Dr. Raman is a lunatic who has escaped from the mental hospital and those who come across him should be careful as he has violent temperement. Mr. Krishnan also guessed that Dr. raman would have proceeded to his native village. So, he sent one Tamil person to the village with an instruction to keep track of Dr. Raman and report to him.

To be continued

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