Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Episode 2:

Who is a scientist? is the question going around the crowd gathered around. The silence is broken by a young boy who says 'I know who is a scientist'. People surround him and ask him to tell. The boy says,' Scientist is a person wearing long white coat, having a small beard and wearing power glasses. Scientist generally finds some secret which is very valuable'. He quotes a M.G.R movie 'Ulakam Sutrum Vaaaaliban' which was screened in the village theater not long ago in which a scientist comes like what he described. Another boy who has visted Chennai also agrees with him and quotes a Hindi movie Mr.India in which the scientist finds the secret formula to make one invisible.

Listening to all this the scientist from Mumbai has a big laugh and says,' A scientist is no magician and neither can he find a secret. What he discovers is actually the existing truth which is not perceived by everyone. He dreams a lot and tries to explore the truths of nature by systematic observations, applications of theories formulated earlier and arrives at logical conclusions'. People listen to him with their mouths open and are not able to follow what he said. An elderly man says,' We do not follow what you say, sir. Can you please say what secret you have discovered?.

The scientist from Mumbai says, 'Before I go to explain what I have discovered, let me give details about me. My name is Raman named after Sir C.V. Raman by my parents in the fond hope that one day I will become a great scientist like him and win Nobel Prize. My grandfather was the headmaster of the school in this village and my father had migrated to Mumbai in search of a white collar job. I was born and brought up in Mumbai and my father used to describe the village, especially the great Cauveri river. He used to tell me how the river used to flow perenially and how agriculture and the wealth of village flourished'.

Even as the scientist was giving details about him there is a commotion among the crowd as one person has brought a copy of the days' newspaper in Tamil. An advertisement in the paper said,
' Beware of a lunatic escaped from the mental hospital in Mumbai. The man will proclaim himself to be a scientist and will say he is in possession of a very important discovery. He is dangerous and can turn violent. Inform nearby police station if you spot him' and there was a photograph of the scientist from Mumbai, Mr.Raman.

To be continued..........

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