Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Vigyani-Part 9

Episode 9:

The watchman catches hold of the window rods with trembling hands and watches Mr. Raman with his unkept hair and bulging out eyes breaking down the machine on the table with an iron rod in a frenzy. All the frustrations that he had during that fateful day has welled up into an anger. Mr. Raman is breaking not only his machine but also the other equipments in the room. Splinters of glass and metal parts falling down make loud noise and some of them must have pierced Mr. Raman as he is bleeding from several parts of his body. Watchman runs back to the office to call the chief by phone.

On hearing the bizzare happenings in the laboratory, the chief and some senior members including Mr. Krishnan reach the place.When they arrive at the laboratory, they were taken aback at what they see. In the lab. Mr. Raman is lying in the middle amidst splinters of glass, metal, wood and papers. He is bleeding from several parts from the body and is unconcious. The chief says 'we will call the doctor and the ambulance'. But, Mr.Krishnan says ,' I think we should ring up the mental hospital. It looks like Mr. Raman has gone mad. No sane person will do such savage things'. He is supported by some of the senior
scientists also. What Mr. Krishnan and these people calculate is that Mr. Raman removed to mental hospital, Mr. Krishnan can take over the project and hand over the know-how to the private firm which has bought them. Although the chief is not happy and feels that it is not necessary to remove Mr. Raman to mental hospital, Mr. Krishnan and the others insist that it is good for Mr. Raman only and arrange to get him admitted to a mental hospital.

Next day, when Mr. Raman comes to conciousness in the mental hospital, he is shocked to find himself tied to the bed and asks the nurse, 'sister, why I am tied to the bed like this and what is this place?'. The sister says,' Sir, this is a mental hospital. Yesterday when you were brought here you were unconcious and the people who brought you here told that you have a violent temperement and that is why the doctor asked us to tie you with the bed. Once the doctor examines and finds that you are normal we will remove the ties'. Mr. Raman on hearing this shouts,' No. I am not a mad man. It is all the evil design of that Krishnan. Hey, Krishna I won't leave you. I will come and beat you to death'. He tries to get out of the the chains that has tied him to the bed and the sister runs out in fear to bring the doctor and security people. Doctor on seeing Mr. Raman's violent behaviour asks the nurse to give him an injection of sedation.

There in the lab. Mr. Krishnan and his co-plotters are celebrating their victory and Mr. Krishnan is asked to build the new machine.

To be continued....

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