Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Vigyani-Part 15

Final episode:

As Raman got released, he was joined by his wife and daughter to his delight. When things happen they happen all at a time. Here, as Raman and his family were enjoying their get together and the Government was wondering what is the next course of action, the rain Gods opened out in the Cauvery regions of Karnataka. The dams started overflowing and the Karnataka Government had to open the dams and allow water into Tamilnadu rgion. The Tamil nadu Government made use of this and posters sprang up all over Chennai praising the Chief Minister for getting the water in Cauvery river.

Raman and his family were called to St. George Fort and a function was organised to falicitate Raman. The Chief Minister siad on the occassion,' We are indeed fortunate to have a great scientist from our state who have invented this wonderful machine. First of all we apologise to him for the ordeal he had to go through. But, now that we have got water in Cauvery river, these type of machines have another big use. In many districts like Kanyakumari, Ramanathapuram people are struggling to get drinking water. Especially our women in these areas have to go 10 to 20 miles every day to fetch water. So, The Government has decided to install these machines in these districts to start with (There was thunderous applause from the gathering to this announcement). We have already sought funds from the central government and we are going to approach world bank also. State Government has formed a drinking water board and Dr. Raman will be the chairman of the board (again thunderous applause). Now I present this shawl and cocanut to Dr.Raman'. Cameras flashed, TV cameras rolled as Raman received from the chief minister the shawl and the cocanut amidst standing ovation.

The chief minister then invited Raman to say a few words. Raman said,' To day is the golden day in my life. My long cherished dream of getting water through science has come true. I need not have to emphasize that scientists can shape the destiny of mankind. Today, the fruits of scientific inventions in the form of computers, internet, mobile technology, satelite communication have changed our way of living. But, still the basic necessities like food, water and shelter are elusive to many. I dedicate my life in inventing suitable machines to meet all the basic necessities. (Mrs. Raman seated on the dais next to the chief minister told him jovially,' he has started dreaming his next machine'). Honourale chief minister told that he is making me the chairman of drinking water borad. I am sorry I have to decline the offer. I am going back to my village and spend the rest of my life in educating poor people. I want to start a science college and offer education free to all poor students. I am glad that my wife here is joining me in this mission. I want the college named after my grandfather who had devoted his entire life in educating people although with his english language proficiency he could have joined the then British Government and ended up as a top official'.

The chief minister again took the mike and announced that Raman's wish to start a science college is being supported by the Government amidst another round of thunderous applause. Raman and his family took leave of the people there and proceeded to Egmore station to catch the train that will take them to the village back.

Once Raman is released the Government removed the police security to the machine. Krishnan and his men made use of the opportunity and sneaked into the shed housing the machine and started dismantling and copying the parts. Nature has its own way of delivering the justice. Natural justice was served on Krishnan and his men in the form of fast floods in Cauvery water due to heavy mansoons and the water released by the Karnataka Government. They were washed away and their bodies were recovered later on the banks of Cauvery river and ironically near the village to which Krishnan was belonging.

Early morning in a village in the cauvery delta. One of the residents, Anjalai gets up hurriedly as she was late for pouring water in the front yard and draw her favourite kolam. Even as she opens her door and enters the front yard with a bucket of water, a broom and a small box with kolam powder, she notices people in groups standing and talking. Also, she sees quite a few people walking on the road leading from village and going to the railway station few miles away. Overcome by curiosity, she catches hold of a boy and asks what is going on. The boy replies, ' Vigyani Raman and his family are coming from Chennai. All people are going to the railway station to receive them'. Anjalai quickly draws a Kolam inside which she scribes 'Long live Raman and his machine' and joins others to proceed to the station.

The end

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