Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Vigyani-Part 5

Episode 5:

Seeing the water flow, the crowd becomes silent and slowly people recover from their surprise. The village chief says to Raman, ' this looks more like a magic to us. Please tell us how do you get water in the machine'. Raman says, ' There is no magic in this. This machine has a pump working on batteries and when I switch on the pump draws air and forces it through a screen we call as membrane. The screen removes the moisture in air and condenses it to water and collected water comes down through the tap at the bottom'. The village chief says,' This means if there is no moisture in air there will be no water'. One other elderly person says,' Quantity of water is very small. How you are going to fill the Cauvery river with this water?'. Mr. Raman laughs and says,' I do agree with you. This machine I showed you just to give a glimpse of what science can do. This machine made in more numbers can solve the problem of drinking water in households. Surely, this water can never even make the cauvery river bed wet. I have discovered another machine which cannot be shown here because it is huge and I have to assemble it. This machine has huge pumps forcing air into the machine where hydrogen and oxygen from air will be separated and will be combined into a molecule in the proportion of two hydrogen atoms to one oxygen atom as in water, so we get water from air. I have already tested a smaller machine and if you people cooperate I can build the huge machine on the banks of Cauvery and let the water flow perenially'.

The village chief is awed by Raman's words and he senses truth in his words as do some other elderly persons. But, some others murmur,' Ithu etho pokatha oorukku vazhi solrathu maathiri irukku. Enna than nadakuthunu paarpom' ('This looks like telling way to a place which cannot be reached. Anyway let us see what happens').

Suddenly, the village chief realises that they have been holding Mr. Raman who must be dead tired after travelling from Mumbai. So, he orders some youngsters to take cycles and go to village, get the vacant house used to host visitors cleaned. He also tells few ladies to prepare some food for Mr. Raman. Afterwards, he asks some youngsters to carry Mr. Raman's luggage. He then invites Mr. Raman,' Come on, let us go the village. You must be tired. We are sorry that we made you stand all the while. Your grandfather is the most respected figure in the village and we have to honour you whether you get us water through your science or not'. Thus, led by the chief and escorted by the entire village, Mr. Raman starts walking towards the village.

To be continued.....

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