Thursday, October 4, 2007

Nature's Fury-scientific fiction on tsunami


The theme of the story is that nature left alone is friendly and enjoyable allowing human beings to harness it for their living. Nature once disturbed unleashes its fury in the form earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis. This story is about tsunami the most terrifying and destructive of all Nature's furies. The story is a period story spanning several centuries. The events quoted in the story did take place. But, the characters and some incidents are purely fictional. The details of the events presented are to the best of my knowledge and they are described as part of the story.

Episode 1:

M.V. Nancowry set sail for Port Blair in Andaman & Nicobar islands from Chennai with about 800 passengers including Dr. Raman, the renowned scientist from U.S.

Dr. Raman with his wife and daughter occupied the first class cabin allotted to them.

Dr. Raman wanted to take the regular flight from Chennai to Port Blair. But, his wife and daughter were fond of sailing in the sea especially since the journey takes 50 to 60 hours. So, they wanted to enjoy the sun rise, sun set and other sceneries on the way. Dr. Raman had to yield to their desire.

The first class cabin has four berths. But, the ship authorities did not allot the fourth berth leaving Dr. Raman and his family with full privacy. Raman's daughter was happily jumping from one berth to another. To their delight there was a speaker in the cabin which was connected to Chennai Vanoli Nilayam and they could listen to Tamil film songs being played by the radio station. Mrs. Raman did an exploratory visit to the other parts of the ship and located a library. She happily borrowed some books, brought them to the cabin and sat to read. Dr. Raman was immersed in his thoughts.

Shortly after the ship had left Chennai port, the dinner bell rang in the cabin. Mrs. Raman reluctantly kept her book down and accompanied Raman and their daughter to the dining hall.

As they selected a table and ordered the dinner one of the assistants in the ship came to Dr. Raman and said 'Sir, the captain of the ship wants to meet you'.

So, Dr. Raman got up and went to the table where the captain was seated along with few others. As Dr. Raman approached his table, the captain got up and received him by shaking his hands.

The captain offered him a chair and said, ' Dr. Raman, we are delighted to have you sailing with us. Here in this table I have gathered some other distinguished travellers like you. I saw your name and occupation from the passenger list. Can you tell us little more about you. sir'.

Dr. Raman replied, 'Thanks, captain. I am working as a scientist in the University of California and I am spealising about tsunamis'. The moment Dr. Raman mentioned about tsunami, others in the table came forward eagarly to listen to him.

To be continued

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Vigyani-Part 15

Final episode:

As Raman got released, he was joined by his wife and daughter to his delight. When things happen they happen all at a time. Here, as Raman and his family were enjoying their get together and the Government was wondering what is the next course of action, the rain Gods opened out in the Cauvery regions of Karnataka. The dams started overflowing and the Karnataka Government had to open the dams and allow water into Tamilnadu rgion. The Tamil nadu Government made use of this and posters sprang up all over Chennai praising the Chief Minister for getting the water in Cauvery river.

Raman and his family were called to St. George Fort and a function was organised to falicitate Raman. The Chief Minister siad on the occassion,' We are indeed fortunate to have a great scientist from our state who have invented this wonderful machine. First of all we apologise to him for the ordeal he had to go through. But, now that we have got water in Cauvery river, these type of machines have another big use. In many districts like Kanyakumari, Ramanathapuram people are struggling to get drinking water. Especially our women in these areas have to go 10 to 20 miles every day to fetch water. So, The Government has decided to install these machines in these districts to start with (There was thunderous applause from the gathering to this announcement). We have already sought funds from the central government and we are going to approach world bank also. State Government has formed a drinking water board and Dr. Raman will be the chairman of the board (again thunderous applause). Now I present this shawl and cocanut to Dr.Raman'. Cameras flashed, TV cameras rolled as Raman received from the chief minister the shawl and the cocanut amidst standing ovation.

The chief minister then invited Raman to say a few words. Raman said,' To day is the golden day in my life. My long cherished dream of getting water through science has come true. I need not have to emphasize that scientists can shape the destiny of mankind. Today, the fruits of scientific inventions in the form of computers, internet, mobile technology, satelite communication have changed our way of living. But, still the basic necessities like food, water and shelter are elusive to many. I dedicate my life in inventing suitable machines to meet all the basic necessities. (Mrs. Raman seated on the dais next to the chief minister told him jovially,' he has started dreaming his next machine'). Honourale chief minister told that he is making me the chairman of drinking water borad. I am sorry I have to decline the offer. I am going back to my village and spend the rest of my life in educating poor people. I want to start a science college and offer education free to all poor students. I am glad that my wife here is joining me in this mission. I want the college named after my grandfather who had devoted his entire life in educating people although with his english language proficiency he could have joined the then British Government and ended up as a top official'.

The chief minister again took the mike and announced that Raman's wish to start a science college is being supported by the Government amidst another round of thunderous applause. Raman and his family took leave of the people there and proceeded to Egmore station to catch the train that will take them to the village back.

Once Raman is released the Government removed the police security to the machine. Krishnan and his men made use of the opportunity and sneaked into the shed housing the machine and started dismantling and copying the parts. Nature has its own way of delivering the justice. Natural justice was served on Krishnan and his men in the form of fast floods in Cauvery water due to heavy mansoons and the water released by the Karnataka Government. They were washed away and their bodies were recovered later on the banks of Cauvery river and ironically near the village to which Krishnan was belonging.

Early morning in a village in the cauvery delta. One of the residents, Anjalai gets up hurriedly as she was late for pouring water in the front yard and draw her favourite kolam. Even as she opens her door and enters the front yard with a bucket of water, a broom and a small box with kolam powder, she notices people in groups standing and talking. Also, she sees quite a few people walking on the road leading from village and going to the railway station few miles away. Overcome by curiosity, she catches hold of a boy and asks what is going on. The boy replies, ' Vigyani Raman and his family are coming from Chennai. All people are going to the railway station to receive them'. Anjalai quickly draws a Kolam inside which she scribes 'Long live Raman and his machine' and joins others to proceed to the station.

The end

Vigyani-Part 14

Episode 14:

The turn of events had upset Krishnan and his men. Actually, Krishnan thought after the acid contamination charge Raman would have fallen from grace and he and his men could take charge of the machine,copy it and send the drawings with photos to the private firm in Mumbai. But, the Government's fast action in sealing the machine and posting the constables for security had put paid to his plans.

He still made an attempt and approached the village chief as he had found him to be the key figure. He introduced himself and said to him,' Raman and myself were colleagues in Mumbai and very close friends. After the demise of his grandfather, Raman had become aloof and withdrawn. He used to talk to himself and utter 'machine to convert air into water'. I was actually working on the machine and so Raman latched on to me and learnt all the secrets. I did not mind it as I pitied him and he used to tell that he wanted to erect the machines in your village to solve the water problem. As I am also from this region, I welcomed it also. But, our laboratory chief and other committee members who have to approve the machine did not approve on the grounds that it requires still lot of tests. Raman got upset and went and broke the machine and other equiments to pieces injuring himself in the process. We admitted him in a clinic where the doctor found that he had become mentally sick and had violent tempers. He even had him chained to the bed. But, somehow he escaped and came here. I had posted an advertisement to warn you people, but somehow he had impressed you. It is no surprise to me that the water got acid contamination. It is because Raman does not know fully about the machine. My humble request to you is to allow us to look at the machine so that we can repair it and you can get pure water'.

All along while Krishnan was talking the village chief thought ' where is Raman and whre is this fellow? Crookedness is written all over him. Raman is innocent and these rascals have tried to stop him or steal the machine from him for their ulterior motive'. So, he said,' don't worry sir, the matter is under CBI investigationand so I cannot allow you to go near the machine. We have a saying that thousand hands may stand blocking but the sun cannot be hidden'. Krishnan and his men returned disappointed and were sulking about the whole episode.

Government took fast action as elections were nearing and CBI committee started its investigation. After questioning several people in the village about their knowledge connected with machine, they tracked down Krishnan and his men and interrogated them thouroughly. After a week the team of CBI went to Chennai and met Raman who was under police custody. Raman was thankful to the police for the decent way in which they treated him giving him proper food, beddings, fan, books to read, mobile phone etc.

The CBI officer asked Raman about someone met him immeditely after the machine started operating. Raman thought for a while and remembered a person who came introducing himself as the local health inspector. It just dawned to Raman how the acid contamination might have happened. The person who posed as health inspector insisted that they do chlorination of water for purification. Although Raman had installed Ultra Violet lamp giving radiation to purify, he did not want to stop the person as he did not doubt him. What actually had happend was the person, one of Krishnan's stooges, had added chlorine at the inlet of the machine where air is being sucked. Since the machine produces Hydrogen the Chlorine had combined with it to form Hydrochloric acid and got mixed with water. There was a scientist in the CBI team who agreed with Raman's explanations and the next day Government accepted CBI report and released Raman.

To be concluded.....

Vigyani-Part 13

Episode 13:

The sudden developments had shattered Raman and he was sitting with his hands on his cheeks. Raman's father used to tell him,'Kappale kavinthalum kannathile kai vaikathe' ( don't keep your cheeks on your hands even if your ship is capsized). But, now Raman is dazed as how the water got acid contamination.

The village chief and the people were solidly behind Raman in supporting him as they were sure that it is some miscreants who have done the damage. Menawhile, the Government had sealed the operation of the machine and posted two police constables for protection. There was a rumour that Government might issue an arrest warrent to take Raman into judicial custody.

As Raman was sitting dazed, the wife of the man who had been hospitalized after drinking the water from the machine, came and let her feelings known to him. She was crying and said,' What harm did we do to you? Who asked you to come to the village and give water? Do you think the amman of the village will let you go unpunished?'. The village chief took her aside and try to convince her that Raman is innocent. But, she turned on him angrily and asked, 'Will you give back my husband if something happens to him?'.

In Chennai, the opposition parties held a meeting to discuss the situation and their course of action. Their main interest was to find out how much political mileage they can get. They came to the following conclusions after hour long discussions. Firstly, if Raman was to be arrested, they should call for a state-wide bandh to protest. (They hoped that there would be police excesses at the behest of the Government during the bandh). Secondly, they would demand the dismissal of the government to the state governer citing the wrong handling of the situation. Thirdly, they would demand a probe by CBI into the whole episode.

At the same time, the cabinet meeting held at St. George Fort decided to go ahead with the arrest of Raman but put the blame on pressure from the Central Government. They also decided to join the bandh and the call for CBI investigation mainly to thwart the efforts by opposition to get popularity among people.

The news of Raman's imminent arrest was telecast as breaking news and reached the village where the people held a 'rasta roko' to prevent the police party entering the village to arrest Raman. But, the police upon arrival fired tear gas shells to disperse the crowd and among the wails of women denouncing the act, Raman was arrested and taken to Chennai.

To be continued....

Vigyani-Part 12

Episode 12:

Raman started constructing the machine. He initially faced a problem regarding the finer details of the machine as he had to rely on his memory only. But, once he started the work,the details started coming to him in a flow. The villagers took turns to supply food, drinking water to him and some youths were assigned the job of giving protection to him and the shed where the machine was being assembled.

Menwhile, the news of the machine to produce water from air which means a perennial supply, reached the neighbouring villages and people of those villages started visiting Raman to ask him whether he can make a machine for their village too. As the news spread, it reached the towns and brought the newspaper reporters and the news started getting flashed all over Tamil Nadu.

Nearly after fifteen days of concentrated work at last Raman could complete the machine and he sent word for the village chief.

When the chief came, Raman said to him, 'I think the machine is ready to produce water and now you have to decide on the distribution of water. As the machine is located near the pump house you can pump the water from the machine into paddy fields through the existing canals is my suggestion'.

The village chief said, 'What you say is correct, Raman. If we do not distribute water properly, the villagers will start a fight. I will call for a meeting of all concerned and work out a suitable plan'.

A plan was worked out by the chief and in front of all the villagers, the chief pressed the button in the machine after garlanding it and breaking a cocnut in front of it and when the water started flowing out, everyone became visibly happy and some even danced.

Krishnan's man who witnessed the proceedings slowly withdrew himself from the crowd and went behind a tree and rang up Krishnan in Mumbai and broke him the news. Krishnan was silent for some time and he seemed to be discussing with some people. After some time he told the person that they have hatched a plan and to implement it they are coming to the village taking the next available flight to Chennai.

The news of Raman's machine producing water was splashed in all news channels and expert panels were set up to discuss about it. The general consensus was the appreciation of good work done by Raman. But, the panel members differed on further course of action. One member pointed out that to carry out a programme by which Raman's machine would be installed all along the Cauvery delta, enormous resources both in terms of money and man power would be required. There was a difference in opinion on who should provide the resources. Some felt that Government of Tamil Nadu should take it up while some felt that for better efficiency and speedy implementation the programme should be handed over to some big industrial house.

The news of Raman's machine reached St. George Fort, the headquarters of Tamil nadu Government and the CM called for a cabinet meeting to discuss it. In the meeting CM started praising the efforts of Raman and said the Governement should honour him suitably. But, one senior member voiced a serious concern. His point was that their party could capture a sizable chunk of votes promising to get water from Karnataka. In the next election people may not vote for their party as they would give all credit for solving the water crisis to Raman. Also, he felt that producing large number of such machines would take time and cost lot of money. So, he concluded that Government should find out some weakness in the machine and stop Raman from getting the credit. Although CM was good at heart, the opinion of the senior member appealed to him politically.

Right at that time there was a breaking news from the village where Raman's machine is producing water that the water has destroyed the paddy fields, killed some cattle which drank the water and even some persons have been hospitalised after drinking it. It was suspected that the water had acid contamination. The news also gave the information that some people at the village site of the machine are raising slogans like,' Arrest the mad scientist. Stop further damage'.

To be continued.....

Vigyani-Part 11

Episode 11:

Dr. Raman woke up with a start hearing the knocks on the door of the house in which he was staying in the village.

Opening the door, he found the village chief standing with folded hands.

The chief said, 'Please excuse me for troubling you. I want to know if you need anything to start your work on the machine'.

Raman said, 'Yes. First we have to select a place near the river with access to electricity. A place like a pumping station will be ideal. Secondly, we need to erect a shed with a door that can be locked. I also need to go nearby town to draw money from my bank account for the purchase of equipments such as motors, made to order glass vessels, tubes etc. Probably, I may have to go to some big town for the purchase of the pumps. There is no problem about money as I have enough savings in my bank account. One other thing. After the purchase of all the needed items I would like to do a pooja in the Amman temple in the village offering Pongal to the deity and feed the entire village before starting my work'.

The village chief was moved on hearing Raman offering feast to the entire village.

He caught hold of Raman's hands and said, 'You are just like your grandfather. You have a great heart thinking about the poor people of this village'.

He further said, "as the chief of the village I assure you of our full support. We can certainly give all manual assistance to you and if you need money we can arrange that also. All I am interested is that the machine should provide the much needed water. You are giving us not just water but you are pouring milk in all our stomachs'.

The village chief provided his car with driver to Raman to go to nearby big town where he could draw money and purchase all the needed items. On an auspicious day, a pooja was performed at the Amman temple with the women folk from the village cooking Pongal in mud pots. The pongal was offered to the deity and served to all the villagers. They celebrated with loud speakers blaring Tamil film songs and young people dancing to the music.

All people were enjoying except for one man who was engrossed in thoughts of how to sabotage the machine and if needed to eliminate Raman.

To be continued....

Vigyani-Part 10

Episode 10:

A few days later, Dr. Raman was feeling better as he was slowly trying to get over the frustrations. He was no longer tied to the bed as he did not show any further violent temperement. Dr. Raman's wife and daughter came and saw him. Mrs. Raman started crying. She attributed everything to the machine and told Raman that he did a good thing of breaking it.

There in the lab. Mr. Krishnan started assembling the machine. But, after some stage, he got stuck up as he was not knowing some of the intricacies of the machine. He told his partners that as Dr. Raman is getting better, he will get him discharged and take him back to his home. At home, he would ask Dr. Raman to tell the finer details and in case Dr. Raman does not cooperate he will apply pressure and try to get the details. He also mentioned that he would take Mrs. Raman and Raman's daughter as captives and coerce Raman to spill the beans.

Shankar was the young gradute who worked with Dr. Raman as his assistant and he had a high regard for Dr. Raman's dedication and devotion. Dr. Raman in his turn treated Shankar very friendly and used to take him into confidence in the work. As Mr. Krishnan also took Shankar as his assistant, Shankar came to know of Krishnan's plots. Shankar went to the mental hospital where Dr. Raman was admitted and told Dr. Raman the details of Mr. Krishnan's plots.

Dr. Raman felt sad to hear the developments and after some thoughts said , 'I have to go urgently to my native village and construct the machine there and make the village as porsperous as before. Mrs. Raman insisted that she also would accompany. But, Dr. Raman refused saying she would be safer in her parents' place and also the education of their daughter would be disrupted. he requested Shankar to arrange for a ticket by train to his village and decided to leave the hospital surrupticiously.

Mr. Krishnan and his partners were shocked to hear that Dr. Raman
has escaped from the mental hospital and they put an ad. in the newspapers mentioning that Dr. Raman is a lunatic who has escaped from the mental hospital and those who come across him should be careful as he has violent temperement. Mr. Krishnan also guessed that Dr. raman would have proceeded to his native village. So, he sent one Tamil person to the village with an instruction to keep track of Dr. Raman and report to him.

To be continued

Vigyani-Part 9

Episode 9:

The watchman catches hold of the window rods with trembling hands and watches Mr. Raman with his unkept hair and bulging out eyes breaking down the machine on the table with an iron rod in a frenzy. All the frustrations that he had during that fateful day has welled up into an anger. Mr. Raman is breaking not only his machine but also the other equipments in the room. Splinters of glass and metal parts falling down make loud noise and some of them must have pierced Mr. Raman as he is bleeding from several parts of his body. Watchman runs back to the office to call the chief by phone.

On hearing the bizzare happenings in the laboratory, the chief and some senior members including Mr. Krishnan reach the place.When they arrive at the laboratory, they were taken aback at what they see. In the lab. Mr. Raman is lying in the middle amidst splinters of glass, metal, wood and papers. He is bleeding from several parts from the body and is unconcious. The chief says 'we will call the doctor and the ambulance'. But, Mr.Krishnan says ,' I think we should ring up the mental hospital. It looks like Mr. Raman has gone mad. No sane person will do such savage things'. He is supported by some of the senior
scientists also. What Mr. Krishnan and these people calculate is that Mr. Raman removed to mental hospital, Mr. Krishnan can take over the project and hand over the know-how to the private firm which has bought them. Although the chief is not happy and feels that it is not necessary to remove Mr. Raman to mental hospital, Mr. Krishnan and the others insist that it is good for Mr. Raman only and arrange to get him admitted to a mental hospital.

Next day, when Mr. Raman comes to conciousness in the mental hospital, he is shocked to find himself tied to the bed and asks the nurse, 'sister, why I am tied to the bed like this and what is this place?'. The sister says,' Sir, this is a mental hospital. Yesterday when you were brought here you were unconcious and the people who brought you here told that you have a violent temperement and that is why the doctor asked us to tie you with the bed. Once the doctor examines and finds that you are normal we will remove the ties'. Mr. Raman on hearing this shouts,' No. I am not a mad man. It is all the evil design of that Krishnan. Hey, Krishna I won't leave you. I will come and beat you to death'. He tries to get out of the the chains that has tied him to the bed and the sister runs out in fear to bring the doctor and security people. Doctor on seeing Mr. Raman's violent behaviour asks the nurse to give him an injection of sedation.

There in the lab. Mr. Krishnan and his co-plotters are celebrating their victory and Mr. Krishnan is asked to build the new machine.

To be continued....

Vigyani-Part 8

Episode 8:

The accusation of Mr. Krishnan, who is a close friend of Raman shocks Raman and he feels as if Mr. Krishnan has stabbed him in the back. He recollects how in his naivity he had described his discovery in detail to Mr. Krishnan. What Mr. Raman does not know is that Mr. Krishnan and some of the seniors who support him have been bought by a private firm. The firm's director realised the commercial value of the discovery when during a party one of the seniors had confided in him about the developments in the laboratory. Recovering from the shock, Mr. Raman shouts,' no, it is lie. Mr. Krishnan has not worked on it. It is me who has shed my blood and sweat, taxed my brains, spent sleepless nights over the project'. The chief of the laboratory who knows about Mr. Raman, realises the truth in his words. But, at the same time he feels helpless as Mr. Krishnan is supported by some of the senior members present there. He says, ' It is O.K, Mr. Raman, what you do is you still write the reaserch paper and put Mr.Krishnan's name also as one of the authors and send it for publication to an International journal'. Mr. Raman is dumbfounded and he has no words to speak. Mr. Krishnan, although not really happy satisfies himself that atleast he is one of the persons credited for the discovery.

Coming out of the meeting, Mr. Raman starts walking towards his house. Although his house is very close to the laboratory and although Mr. Krishnan offers lift in his car ( presented by the director of the private firm to him), he continues to walk as if in sleep. He is heart-broken and his senses have numbed. Without his knowledge he walks in the middle of the road and all the drivers of cars abuse him, 'hey, paagal hogaya kya?' ('hey, have you gone mad?'). Somehow, Mr. Raman reaches his house and mechanically presses the calling bell. Normally, immediately after hearing the calling bell either Mrs. Raman or his young daughter will open the door for him. But, today there is no answer to the bell and after some wait Mr. Raman lets himself in with the key in his possession. The house is in dark which further surprises Mr. Raman. As he switches on the lights, his attention is drawn to a piece of paper kept on the center table. He takes it and opens it. Mrs. Raman has written, ' My dear, I am compelled to take this drastic action. For the last few months you are not yourself. You have totally ignored not only me, but also our daugther. She was telling me that she is scared to see that you were talking to yourself in the middle of night and you were scribbling equations and drawings all over the place, including her school note book for which she got scoldings from her teacher. So, I have decided to leave you in your own world of scientific fantasies and I am taking our daughter and going to my parents' place. When you feel alright and you can be like in old days, please call us and we will be back'. Reading the letter, Mr. Raman felt the whole world collapsing around him. Not able to steady himself, he swoons and falls down.

Waking up much later, Mr. Raman leaves the house and walks back to the laboratory. It is mid-night and the security watchman is half asleep at the gate. Mr. Raman slips himself silently without waking up the watchman through the gate and reaches his laboratory. As he has a key to the laboratory being a senior scientist, he opens the lab. and switches on the light. Seated in the middle of the lab. on a table is the machine which is his dream, life line and everything. He goes near it, touches it passionately and cries.

The half-asleep watchman is shaken out of his sleep by the loud noise coming from one of the labs. He runs and reaches the lab. where Mr. Raman had gone. What he saw made him shiver with fear.

To be continued.....

Vigyani-Part 7

Episode 7:

Getting down from the jeep, the police inspector enters the house in which Mr. Raman is staying. Finding the village chief inside the house, the inspector salutes him and tells him politely, ' Sir, I have come to arrest Mr. Raman based on a complaint given by one of your village person. He has charged Mr. Raman for deceiving the village people and he has quoted the newspaper ad. saying Mr. Raman is a lunatic escaped from a mental hospital in Mumbai'.

Even as he is speaking a large crowd gathers out side the house and the villagers start shouting ' Don't arrest Mr. Raman. If you do so you have to take him over our corpses'. The police inspector is put in a dilemma and he offers to the chief that if he gives a statement that Mr. Raman is harmless and if Mr. Raman does any harm he on behalf of the village will take full responsibility and will hand over Mr. Raman to the police. The chief agrees readily and he writes a statement accordingly and the police inspector leaves. The crowd becomes happy as Mr. Raman is not arrested and they disperse.

After the village chief excuses himself from Mr. Raman and leaves, Mr. Raman's memories bring back the drama that unfolded in his Mumbai laboratory the day he was successful with the air to water machine.

Mr. Raman was so excited when the first trickle of water appeared in his experimental machine, he ran to the chief's room and said, 'Sir, I have produced water from air. Our cauvery river water problem will be solved'. The chief said,' cool down, Mr. Raman. Have you tested the machine thouroughly? is the water getting collected coming from air only?. What you do is to test it thouroughly first, prepare a report and present it to us. We will decide what next to do'. Mr.Raman's enthusiasm got deflated and he returned to the lab. despirited.

He tested the machine thouroughly and was fully convinced and recorded all the results, prepared a detailed report. A meeting of top bosses of the lab. was convened where Mr. Raman presented his discovery. Even as he was presenting excitedly, he was shocked to see some members dozing and some talking among themselves. In the end, one of the member who had woken up by then asked Mr. Raman, 'What is the earthly use of your discovery?'. Mr. Raman explained patiently the water problem in the Cauvery delta due to the inter-state river water dispute and the installation of these machines along the river side can solve the problem. One member said,' If we do that Karnataka people will oppose and will demand machines for them also'. Another member from Gujarat said, 'there is an acute drinking water shortage in the Kutch region. Why not install the machines there first?'. The chief of the lab. raised his hands and said,' Ours is a national lab. and what we discover we have to report to Central Govt. they will form several committees and the committees will ask lot of questions. Even the existing funds will be cut if they find that we have wasted our resources in this air to water schemes. Also, if it is proved that it cannot work on large scale we will become a laughing stock. So, Mr. Raman you write a paper and publish it in some journals. I may recommend you for promotion and we will stop at that'. Mr. Raman who became heart-broken at these happenings was shocked further when his friend who entered the meeting meekly, took permission from the chief and siad, 'Sir, it is actually my project and my work which Mr. Raman has stolen and presented here'.

To be continued....

Vigyani-Part 6

Episode 6:

When Mr. Raman escorted by the villagers started walking towards the village, one person detaches himself from the crowd, goes behind a tree and takes out his cell phone and makes a call to some one in Mumbai. He tells the person,' Sir, Mr. Raman is going to construct the engine. Our plans to project him among the people as a lunatic did not work out. It seems his grandfather was an influential man in the village and Mr. Raman also pleaded with them that he is framed and actually not a lunatic person. What shall we do?'. The person from Mumbai tells him, ' Don't do anything now. Let Mr. Raman complete the engine, then eliminate him and capture the engine. When he completes the engine report to us, we will come there and take care of the people'.

Reaching the house meant for guests to the village, the chief is satisfied that it has been cleaned and a cot with bed, table and chair have been arranged. Also, kept on the table covered with banana leaf the freshly cooked food with drinking water by the side. One elderly person humourously points out that Mr. Raman does not need drinking water as he has a mchine to produce it. Leaving Mr. Raman in the house to eat and take rest, the crowd return to their homes.

While Mr. Raman is fast asleep due to tiredness of the travel, one person sneaks into the house, opens Mr. Raman's suitcase, grabs the machine, covers it with a cloth and escapes. He is none other than Anjalai's husband who upon returning to his house produces the machine triumphantly before Anjalai. Anjalai gets angry and scolds him,' Ada paavi, antha manushan kashtapattu senja machine i ippadi thirudikittu vanthutteye, kondupoi thirumba vachudu, illatti kaali athavuku boli pottuduven' (' Paavi, that man has made the machine with lots of trouble and you have stolen it. Go and return it, otherwise I will offer you as sacrifice to Kaali amman').

When Mr. Raman wakes up suddenly he finds Anjalai's husband standing in front of him with the machine in his hands saying,' Ayya, ennai mannichidunga. Theriyathanama intha machine i naan thiruditten' (' Sir, please forgive me. Unknowingly I have stolen your machine'). Mr. raman has a laugh and says, 'You want the mchine, then take it'. Hearing this, the village chief who had come there just then says, ' It is not good to give the machine to one person, then the entire village will come to you asking for machines for them also. The best way I think is to keep it in a cage under lock and key in the front yard of this house with the tap accessible so that people can open the tap and drink water'. Mr. Raman agrees saying it is a good idea. When they are talking, a police jeep arrives in front of the house.

to be continued.....

Vigyani-Part 5

Episode 5:

Seeing the water flow, the crowd becomes silent and slowly people recover from their surprise. The village chief says to Raman, ' this looks more like a magic to us. Please tell us how do you get water in the machine'. Raman says, ' There is no magic in this. This machine has a pump working on batteries and when I switch on the pump draws air and forces it through a screen we call as membrane. The screen removes the moisture in air and condenses it to water and collected water comes down through the tap at the bottom'. The village chief says,' This means if there is no moisture in air there will be no water'. One other elderly person says,' Quantity of water is very small. How you are going to fill the Cauvery river with this water?'. Mr. Raman laughs and says,' I do agree with you. This machine I showed you just to give a glimpse of what science can do. This machine made in more numbers can solve the problem of drinking water in households. Surely, this water can never even make the cauvery river bed wet. I have discovered another machine which cannot be shown here because it is huge and I have to assemble it. This machine has huge pumps forcing air into the machine where hydrogen and oxygen from air will be separated and will be combined into a molecule in the proportion of two hydrogen atoms to one oxygen atom as in water, so we get water from air. I have already tested a smaller machine and if you people cooperate I can build the huge machine on the banks of Cauvery and let the water flow perenially'.

The village chief is awed by Raman's words and he senses truth in his words as do some other elderly persons. But, some others murmur,' Ithu etho pokatha oorukku vazhi solrathu maathiri irukku. Enna than nadakuthunu paarpom' ('This looks like telling way to a place which cannot be reached. Anyway let us see what happens').

Suddenly, the village chief realises that they have been holding Mr. Raman who must be dead tired after travelling from Mumbai. So, he orders some youngsters to take cycles and go to village, get the vacant house used to host visitors cleaned. He also tells few ladies to prepare some food for Mr. Raman. Afterwards, he asks some youngsters to carry Mr. Raman's luggage. He then invites Mr. Raman,' Come on, let us go the village. You must be tired. We are sorry that we made you stand all the while. Your grandfather is the most respected figure in the village and we have to honour you whether you get us water through your science or not'. Thus, led by the chief and escorted by the entire village, Mr. Raman starts walking towards the village.

To be continued.....


Episode 4:

As more and more people gather, the news spreads that the new person is not a saint, but calls himself a scientist who can bring water from air. The news also spreads that he is a lunatic escaped from a mental hospital in Mumbai. As the noise level becomes unbearable with eveyone discussing about the scientist Raman, the villge chief ties to restore order by raising his hands and asking everyone to keep quite. He succeeds after some time and then addresses Mr. Raman saying, ' we do not know whether you are a genuine scientist or not. Nor do we know anything about science. But, it is a fact that our village is suffering due to the lack of water in the Cauvery river. We do not care whether you bring water through your science or the Karnataka people give us the water. All we want is that we should continue our agriculture and we should get back to our glorious past. Since the water to be given by Karnataka people looks uncertain now, I think we can give you a chance. But, you have to somehow prove to us that you have genuine intentions'.

One of the village elders objected to the village chief's offer, saying, ' It looks like knowing our problem of water in the Cauvery river, he must have come to our village with some ulterior motives. We have to be careful in allowing him to settle down and continue in our village. He seems to be proving the newspaper message that he is a lunatic when he says he can produce water from air'.

As everyone starts to agree with the elderly person, Mr. Raman folds his hands with tears rolling down his cheeks. He says,' Please beleive me. I have no intention of cheating you. As I have already told you, my grandfather who hails from this village was very sad when he read the news about the Cauvery water dispute. He took an oath from me saying, 'If you are a real scientist and want to achive something in life discover a way to solve this problem. He also cited a Thirukural from the great saint Thiruvalluvar saying

தோன்றில் புகழொடு தோன்றுக அஃதிலார்
தோன்றலில் தோன்றாமை நன்று

( When you are born you achieve fame, otherwise it is as good as you are not born)

From that day, I thought and thought, worked very hard, had sleepless nights to discover the truth of coverting air into water. My wife deserted me since engrossed in work I neglected her. My best friend cheated me since I was oblivious of things happening around me. Please beleive me and try to understand the struggles and pains I have undergone in this discovery'.

Even as the crowd is wondering whether to beleive him or not, Mr. Raman takes from his suitcase a small machine. Opening the machine he shows around saying, ' You can see there is no source of water or any connection to water pipe'. He switches on the machine and after some wait, keeps a glass under the tap in the machine. Much to the surprise of evryone, when he opens the tap, water flows into the glass.

To be continued.....


Episode 3:

As every one in the crowd wants to have a peep at the paper, it is taken by the Village chief who shows his hands for every one to keep quite. He shows the news on the paper to Mr.Raman and asks him, ' What is this sir?'. Raman says,'It is a lie that I am lunatic. It is false propaganda by some villanous people who want to stop me from achieving my dream'. The village chief is not convinced and he casts a suspicious look at Mr.Raman. Mr. Raman says,' Let me tell my complete story, then perhaps you will beleive me. As I said before my grandfather Mahalingam was the headmaster in this village school'. Even before Mr. Raman ties to continue, some elderly people come forward and say in chorous,'Oh, you are the grandson of that greatman Mahalingam'. They turn to the village chief and plead with him that the grandson of Mahalingam can never do wrong and we should give him a chance to tell his full story.

The village chief says, ' O.K, please tell us why you have come to this village all the way from Mumbai and before that tell us what is your dream that others are not allowing you to realise?'. Mr. Raman says,' My dream is to produce a perennial water supply from air'. Even as he spoke like this, the whole crowd breaks into laughter and one person comments,' What the newspaper says seems to be correct. Water from air, ha ha ha.........'. Everyone joins him mking fun of Mr. Raman.

To be continued.....


Episode 2:

Who is a scientist? is the question going around the crowd gathered around. The silence is broken by a young boy who says 'I know who is a scientist'. People surround him and ask him to tell. The boy says,' Scientist is a person wearing long white coat, having a small beard and wearing power glasses. Scientist generally finds some secret which is very valuable'. He quotes a M.G.R movie 'Ulakam Sutrum Vaaaaliban' which was screened in the village theater not long ago in which a scientist comes like what he described. Another boy who has visted Chennai also agrees with him and quotes a Hindi movie Mr.India in which the scientist finds the secret formula to make one invisible.

Listening to all this the scientist from Mumbai has a big laugh and says,' A scientist is no magician and neither can he find a secret. What he discovers is actually the existing truth which is not perceived by everyone. He dreams a lot and tries to explore the truths of nature by systematic observations, applications of theories formulated earlier and arrives at logical conclusions'. People listen to him with their mouths open and are not able to follow what he said. An elderly man says,' We do not follow what you say, sir. Can you please say what secret you have discovered?.

The scientist from Mumbai says, 'Before I go to explain what I have discovered, let me give details about me. My name is Raman named after Sir C.V. Raman by my parents in the fond hope that one day I will become a great scientist like him and win Nobel Prize. My grandfather was the headmaster of the school in this village and my father had migrated to Mumbai in search of a white collar job. I was born and brought up in Mumbai and my father used to describe the village, especially the great Cauveri river. He used to tell me how the river used to flow perenially and how agriculture and the wealth of village flourished'.

Even as the scientist was giving details about him there is a commotion among the crowd as one person has brought a copy of the days' newspaper in Tamil. An advertisement in the paper said,
' Beware of a lunatic escaped from the mental hospital in Mumbai. The man will proclaim himself to be a scientist and will say he is in possession of a very important discovery. He is dangerous and can turn violent. Inform nearby police station if you spot him' and there was a photograph of the scientist from Mumbai, Mr.Raman.

To be continued..........


Episode 1:

Early morning in a village in the cauvery delta. One of the residents, Anjalai gets up hurriedly as she was late for pouring water in the front yard and draw her favourite kolam. Even as she opens her door and enters the front yard with a bucket of water, a broom and a small box with kolam powder, she notices people in groups standing and talking. Also, she sees quite a few people walking on the road leading from village and going to the railway station few miles away. Overcome by curiosity, she catches hold of a boy and asks what is going on. The boy replies, ' Below the banyan tree on the way from station to the village a samiyar(saint) is found sleeping. I am also going there'. Anjalai drops the routine of putting kolam and joins the boy. Even as they reach the banyan tree they find large number of people have surrounded it. Managing to have a peep, Anjalai sees a man with beard and long hair in pant and shirt sitting in the middle.

One of the lady says, 'Sammi ethuvum pesa maatenkuthu. Ellarum vilundu kumbittalum saami sirichukittu iruke ozhiya, oru viboothi kunkumam koduthuchina, namma kashtam poi vidivu varum. hoom, ennatha solla?'. ( ' the saint is not talking anything. Even if all people fall at his feet he keeps smiling only and not distribute the sacred ash or kumkum which will bring an end to our sufferings. Hoom, what can I say?')

Some elderly people from the village manage to reach the front and stand close to the man who the people call as samiyar. One elederly gentleman with his hands close to the mouth in an obedient posture asks the man, 'Saami engirundu varuthu. Saamiku tamil theriyuma?' ( 'where from the saint has come and do you know Tamil?'). The man who is addressed as saami has a big laugh and says, 'Ayya, naan oru saamiyar illai. En dhadi meesaiyai vaichu appadi ninaikatheenga. Naan oru vigyani, Mumbai le irundu varen' ( 'Sir, I am not a saint. Please don't think I am a saint from my beard and moustach. I am a scientist coming from Mumbai'). When he told like this, the silence among the people who had assembled breaks and people start talking among themselves. The common question asked by everyone is ' Vigyani na yaaru?' (' Who is a scientist?').

To be continued